有網友po這雕像,當時只是一瞥覺得特別,但就在龜先生查找David Černý其他作品後
尤其是黑嬰兒爬電視塔(介紹在最後)~~真是super cool!!!
花了一整天時間大家齊心收集David Černý在布拉格的作品(雖沒找齊)
David Černý是捷克雕刻家,生於1967,好個年輕有為,他的作品多偏爭議性,反諷
Statue of Sigmund Freud hanging by one hand
Embryo~~Installed on the side of Divadlo na Zabradli this represents a fetus going through a drain-pipe.
Is this perhaps how art pieces are born and a representation of how artists and art find it hard to fit in the this narrow-minded world? (資料來源:A tour of David Cerny’s Prague)
Piss-Two bronze naked mannequins that move at their hips stand in a pool shaped like Czech Republic writing quotes by famous Prague residents in the water with their pee. The statue accepts SMS messages at a number written next to the statue. The two pissing men will then spell in the water whatever message is sent them later resuming their normal operation. This piece generates great hilarity among the tourist that pass by it and maybe also pokes a little fun at those that merely enjoy the superficial part of Prague like if it were an older Disneyland.(資料來源:A tour of David Cerny’s Prague)
Horse-St Vitus rides an upside-down dead horse. To put it into context the equestrian statue of St Vitus at the top of Wenceslas Square is probably the national symbol. Not only it was the witness of many epic events such as the Prague Spring and the Velvet Revolution but it is, to this day, the place where first dates meet. Is this version by David Cerny the national symbol of irreverence? Originally intended to be installed in the main hall of the post office in Jindrisska its director unsurprisingly decided it wasn’t a good fit for the place and was so installed in the Lucerna passage owned by Havel’s family. Vaclav Havel, a national symbol himself, probably decided he could deal with the embarrassment. (資料來源:A tour of David Cerny’s Prague)
我最愛的Babies-“Flies on a penis” this is how the artist himself explained the ten fiberglass babies installation on Zizkov’s tower. First installed in New York the project was originally commissioned by the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art but didn’t go through as the organizers run out of money printing the exhibition’s catalogue. Eventually the city of Prague showed interest in occasion of the European Culture Capital of the Year 2000 and, after a long fight with the local Kafkian bureaucracy, the babies were installed on the Zizkov TV tower.(資料來源:A tour of David Cerny’s Prague)
David Černý
這是繼黑嬰兒之後第二個想看的Brown-nosers,它在Futura Art Gallery裡面,我們找了好久終於找到Futura Art Gallery,but....但是....去的那天休館!!!!!!
Two giant statues installed next to each other with stairs going up to their bum. Inside their body is a video representing the current Czech President Vaclav Klaus and the head of the National Gallery Milan Knizak spoon-feed each other. This installation is a metaphor of Czech politics but maybe also attempts to make fun of the voyeur citizen that watches the worst of politics take place without taking action or even being disturbed by the smell. It might also be that, growing up in a communist country, politics greatly stimulate the artist’s bowel movements. This project has a striking similarity with Peter Brueghel’s “The Flatterers”.(資料來源:A tour of David Cerny’s Prague)
David Černý的作品我愛,創意高,藝術性滿分,짱!!!
一直覺得自己是很幸運的人,很多地方可以一去再去,譬如說london~~claire chu~you know what I mean.